Monday, December 20, 2010


Humanities group "Oh you fancy huh?"

I think we killed it at Homecoming Performance [=

King Taco with these girls, hella fun.

We ear McDo from time to time.... x2 a week..

Watching VolleyBall games from time to time..

Deep talks from time to time..

Killin' it at Renaissance Rally, winning first place!

Stressin' at Shooters tryna get the iPhone4

Being sad and all cos it's almost time to go..

Christmas time!!

The year is already almost coming to an end, I'm excited but scared at the same time. I'm not yet ready to leave highschool, no matter how much I want to.. I really don't want to. I'm having such a blast day by day with these people.. I'm glad I met them since Freshmen year and on. I love every single one of you, and right now the future knows what's in for us.

-Margiel Wagas